Name Change

Since around 2012 all of my stories have appeared under the Shiraz name. Starting January 2024 my full name Shiraz Turvey will be used, the existing Amazon titles will be amended to reflect this change. Shiraz

An Introduction

It seems odd writing an introduction over a decade since I wrote my first story and over six years after the first book hit Kindle! However, thanks to feedback on social media, I felt it was now a good time to lay out what I do and perhaps what I plan to do. My first … [Read more…]

Start here!

I’ve been writing stories about Tammy Smart for over a decade but not everyone knows the background For a wander through the stories (and Kindle books), take a look at my Tammyverse page In short, Tom Smart is a school boy who knows he is also Tammy Smart. The prequel stories establish his (and her) … [Read more…]

Scribbling update

A quick tot-up re my current Kindle stories: Ten original Tammyverse ebooks/paperbacks Two prequel Tammyverse ebooks Four original Unaccounted Gains ebooks/paperbacks Plus one compendium   What’s next? Right now I’m planning to finish a third (and final?) prequel story, plus the fifth Unaccounted Gains novel.


The Fall/Winter 2021 Kindle release for the Tammyverse series is Deathtrap. Tammy finds herself unwittingly involved in a terrorist attack and has to face the aftermath of her actions. This leads to Tammy re-evaluating her life and her future with the Security Service. She learns quickly that actions have consequences and that not everyone is … [Read more…]

Two new paperbacks

Latest paperbacks

Two paperbacks have been added to the stock, completing the current line-up of ten Kindle books and ten paperbacks. It’s probably time to re-arrange my shelves!