The first Kindle release of 2021 is Testing Times, this was the fourth major Tammy story and is the fifth in the Tammyverse Kindle releases. It was published in March 2021.
Tammy has a break in Cornwall and her first real introduction to intelligence work, although there is a small matter of her driving licence as well. When she gets back to school after Easter it’s only a short while before her final exams, if only that was all she had to worry about?
This book rolls in at just under 500 pages. What makes this release different is that it includes a brand new opening story that has not been published elsewhere (apart from a teaser on my Facebook page!). This story, a full short story, originates from the very short first person diary ‘Tammy’s Easter Diary’.
The book is also now available in paperback, where it has 625 pages!